Scary Ghost Video

This is a video that shows an interview with a homeowner by a paranormal investigator. While the man is obviously uncomfortable talking about his experiences with ghosts, he begins to tell his story anyway. While he is talking, something very creepy happens. Watch the door behind him. Real Ghost?


  1. Admittedly, this is creepy, but it's the lighting that makes it that way. There's nothing for the light to bounce off of through that doorway, so it appears completely dark, when in fact, there is light coming through the room, as we see when the very real person walks through its path.

    1. Oh my god I hadn't even noticed that about the lighting.. that makes it even creepier....

  2. im sorry to say i looked over the video and i have been studying the parnormal for a long time and this does not look like a a parnormal incident. The body is to clear to be one.
