Real Ghost or Demon?

This video shows what is the now famous "Mabel ghost". This footage and much more has stirred up quite a debate and has become the focus of an upcoming documentary. Is this real ghost or demon footage? You be the judge.


  1. I totally believe this video is real, I mean why in the hell would you not? It really freaks me out I know that much, I have found another great site like this one that has loads of videos of ghostly apparitions here yes I am aware that this video is also on there, but there are some other really creepy ones too

  2. since you can see a entity moving in the reflection of the window, and the feeling you even get, when closing your eyes, and shut the sound.

    i would say its real ;)

  3. Were would a person hide in that pantry u cant thats a demon btw............

  4. did anyone else notice the odd shape one the third occurence
